Sunday, December 18, 2016

My Essential Question

How do I develop a graphic design that is memorable, effective, and changes the audience?

* Why did you select this as your essential question?

Graphic designs have been known to inspire movements, propaganda, ideas, and other grand changes in society in history, but they can just as easily become plain and forgettable. Since I wish to grow and work at the best of my ability in the field, I hope to learn how to exceed standards.

* What excites you most about finding the answer to this essential question?

I would not only be able to apply it to all my designs and creative process, but also using to make visual communications that reaches the audience in the best way possible.

* Do you feel that this question accurately reflects a desire/need that you have to find out more about this topic?

Yes, with all given factors that could be incorporated to design, I've wondered if there are a key set of attributes that make a successfully memorable design.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Nov 28 Reflection

Article Source

The youth of today may have received limited knowledge of situations they may approach in a work place due to their educators having a flawed and/or inflexible to what is realistic. Additionally, beginning in a new field leaves an empty vacuum of where previous experience and memories should be, because like muscle memory, taking action leaves a better impression for future events. Social intelligence is crucial when working with a variety of clients and coworkers and getting the best impressions and conversations out of them. This form of intelligence helps an individual know the etiquette of a work setting, along with a clients' personal needs, such as physical language, verbal language, impressions, attitude, and more. I personally need to apply such skills when explaining to clients the complications of certain aspects of visual communications in different scenarios.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Partner in Education Q&A

  • In regards to your internship site, explain how you feel they are a "partner in your education"
At Brandywine, they keep me busy and do their best to make my internship experience involved and useful. Whenever I visit, they find jobs and tasks for me that best fits my skill level, and they gladly assist and educate me whenever I have questions and/or problems. Each member of the facility work together to accommodate my needs in this educational experience by telling me what they know best and referring me to each other.
  • What have you done that has made your supervisor's life easier?
I try my best to finish any printing processes Mr. Brooks is working on, such as setting up tools, supplies, among other things. By completing more products and speeding up the process, I hope to cut the time and effort needed to produce quality orders before their deadlines. When other tasks are unavailable, I file and organize clients' proofs.

  • What goals have you met so far?  Have you changed any of your goals?
I have established myself as a novice, but reasonable graphic designer, and I have already worked with one real-life client's needs. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Oct 24 Q & A

  • How has your perception of the internship/organization changed since you started the internship?
At first, I was unsure how being in an internship at a printing facility would reinforce my graphic design skills, but now I have been enlightened with the process behind graphic design, and how printing requires certain aspects that should be considered when designing.
  • What is surprising you about this internship?
There is a various array of printing mediums that I was unaware that graphic design would be needed for, and I learn and observe a new type each session. Additionally, with each type I also learn the various protocols and precautions when designing specific products, including re-sizing quality, bleed, and so forth.
  • What have you learned from the routine or boring parts of the internship?
I often observe how my manager handles customers and process orders, proofs, and production. This often includes the process of filing data for proofs and orders, and collecting customer info through email communication.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Jairus' Mentorship Write Up

My Profile:
I have been passionate in visual arts as long as I can remember, and after being introduced to graphic design by Forsyth Central High School's splendid art department, I knew it would be a field I could delve into.

As a high school junior who has taken 2 years of graphic design classes, I have put out many designs for the school, such as a poster for the drama department's most recent act, Pippin. Additionally, I have taken part in assisting my fellow graphic design students. I strive to do my best in the subject and build upon improvement, and I have taken the responsibility of enrolling in an internship program provided at my high school to achieve this.

My Mentorship:
At a local business which provides graphic design and printing services, Brandywine Printing Inc is where most of my internship takes place. My manager and mentor Mr. Brooks instructs me on all the protocols and functions required to produce the best quality in his business.

In my time there, I observe several different mediums of print, and I learn how files created in a graphic design are interpreted by the machines and programs. By this, I have become aware of rules and techniques to follow while designing whenever I put what and how an order is printed into consideration.

My future: 
I plan to apply this experience as credentials to any possible graphic design jobs and/or education, alongside being able to know how to react in a real-time business environment. Next year, I hope to get into a higher graphic design course and an additional marketing principles course to reinforce skills in my preferred field of work.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

(Reflection) "Graphic Design: Fine Art or Social Science?"

I delved into this source to find out what graphic design is and why so crucial in business and society. This passage by Jorge Frascara, professor of visual communications and chairman of art and design, focuses on graphic design's socially understood definition, its fluid usage and interpretation throughout history, and its flaws and misunderstood assumptions. The article, covering information collected in 1984-2010, is a short excerpt from a volume of Design Issues. The 12 pages of the excerpt are extremely descriptive and provides several accounts and figures as examples to prove the author's point. For instance, a figure of a design for a product, which failed in its purpose due to the graphic being loosely related to its product and purpose (Frascara describes this as an inefficiency in communication). Inevitably, the example given proves graphic design's importance in properly reaching its audience. Other than marketing, Frascara also provides examples of propaganda and typography which also hold important roles pertaining to the purpose of graphic design.

Overall, the main points of the article are the importance of influence of visual communications on its audience. Not only is there an artistic aspect, but also the incorporation of sociology, marketing, psychology, and other important ideas needed to effectively change an audience.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Work Ethic

Work ethic is a quality that benefits a worker in a variety of situations, and it is a key factor in how and whether of not a person can complete jobs and tasks efficiently and accurately. The three main qualities that compromise work ethic are ability to use interpersonal skills, initiative, and dependability. Interpersonal skills are vital to co-worker and customer interaction. Additionally, having an initiative when carrying out tasks to get them completed quickly and efficiently. Finally, applying dependability to everyday work so that one can be trusted with important information and jobs. Altogether, these three components make the ideal worker to any employer.

In my OWEI, I received a score of 5.81 in interpersonal skills, 6.31 in initiative, and 5.86 in dependability. All traits were scored out of 7, and I scored the most in initiative. I've learned that I can possibly work on my interpersonal skills and sense of dependability. In my workplace throughout the year, I will strive to be more socially interactive and be more dependable with clients and co-workers. Alongside improvement, I will use my initiative trait to its fullest capability and advantage.


With communication, the forms and ways a person uses it are extremely important to reach an audience. Additionally, each type of audience have specific forms of communication that meet their wants and affect them the best. One's way of communicating is part of a preface that lets an audience know their personality and demeanor, such as a sense of professionalism or humor. For example, a chat with your friends can be informal and casual. Therefore, your word choice and tone can be loose and humored, along with a relaxed and free body language. In contrast, a chat with your family members often can be casual but respectful. Ultimately, communication with employers should be taken with the utmost professionalism needed for each employment, or else your employer may reconsider whoever is communicating as an employee. This includes having good posture and active listening.

In my internship at BrandyWine Printing, although the employment isn't as strict compared to a medical or science environment, still requires an amount of professionalism and respect in terms of communication. Especially in the presence of customers, word choice should be kept formal and friendly. I would need show I am actively listening to my mentor and give detailed feedback relating to the task at hand. I would also need to actively move around and work with my hands at the printing press, showing involvement and work ethic.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Article Reflection

"Getting Ready for Your Mentor" depicts how a student can make the most out of their mentorship opportunities and how to be to most resourceful, compliant student intern to an employer, instead of simply sitting down and attending each internship. This article should be treated as a checklist and guide to being an acceptable mentorship student and using the resources to benefit their passion in their career field.

After the basic tips for starting an internship are cleared up, the top seven strategies in an efficient internship are listed and explain. Firstly, one should have a good sense of professionalism, such as dress code and expectations, are priority. Secondly, they need an enthusiastic attitude is always sought out and values by employers. Then, they should immerse themselves in their jobs and tasks, and becoming acquainted in their workplace. Next, they need to provide top-quality work without complaint, and they should additionally be actively pursuing new opportunities by discussing it with mentors and volunteering assistance. Lastly, to ultimately take advantage of an internship, students should apply this experience to their portfolio and become acquainted with the network of professionals and experienced people in their field. The article also refers to the protocols of the class course and what to do upon leaving. When a student applies all of the above, they can make their success a reality.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Leadership Skills

I created a short time lapse drawing video about being an effective leader, inspired by the HMP presentation given (August 29)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

JD Russo - Awareness is Not Enough (August 29)

Indifference, as described in JD Russo's TED Talk's speech, is the true obstacle of action, despite popular belief in it being the idea of ignorance. Personally, I believe indifference is an is growing issue with myself, and I wish to confront it straightforwardly in my Mentorship by becoming more involved. By interacting and asking how I can increase my productivity in the program,  can stay focused on my goals and bring out the best in my HMP pursuits.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Beginning of Mentorship

At BrandyWine Printing Inc., I would like to make the best of my mentorship when exploring printing and graphic design through on-hand experiences. I will do this by observing clients that come and go in the office, and by participating in printing orders when I can and to the best of my ability. By observation and training I can learn the precautions, protocols, and tasks when dealing with a wide variety of orders and requests. As a graphic designer, learning how the process of printing designs works, I can expect and consider the steps beforehand whenever creating a new design for clients.