- How has your perception of the internship/organization changed since you started the internship?
At first, I was unsure how being in an internship at a printing facility would reinforce my graphic design skills, but now I have been enlightened with the process behind graphic design, and how printing requires certain aspects that should be considered when designing.
- What is surprising you about this internship?
There is a various array of printing mediums that I was unaware that graphic design would be needed for, and I learn and observe a new type each session. Additionally, with each type I also learn the various protocols and precautions when designing specific products, including re-sizing quality, bleed, and so forth.
- What have you learned from the routine or boring parts of the internship?
I often observe how my manager handles customers and process orders, proofs, and production. This often includes the process of filing data for proofs and orders, and collecting customer info through email communication.