Monday, October 31, 2016

Oct 24 Q & A

  • How has your perception of the internship/organization changed since you started the internship?
At first, I was unsure how being in an internship at a printing facility would reinforce my graphic design skills, but now I have been enlightened with the process behind graphic design, and how printing requires certain aspects that should be considered when designing.
  • What is surprising you about this internship?
There is a various array of printing mediums that I was unaware that graphic design would be needed for, and I learn and observe a new type each session. Additionally, with each type I also learn the various protocols and precautions when designing specific products, including re-sizing quality, bleed, and so forth.
  • What have you learned from the routine or boring parts of the internship?
I often observe how my manager handles customers and process orders, proofs, and production. This often includes the process of filing data for proofs and orders, and collecting customer info through email communication.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Jairus' Mentorship Write Up

My Profile:
I have been passionate in visual arts as long as I can remember, and after being introduced to graphic design by Forsyth Central High School's splendid art department, I knew it would be a field I could delve into.

As a high school junior who has taken 2 years of graphic design classes, I have put out many designs for the school, such as a poster for the drama department's most recent act, Pippin. Additionally, I have taken part in assisting my fellow graphic design students. I strive to do my best in the subject and build upon improvement, and I have taken the responsibility of enrolling in an internship program provided at my high school to achieve this.

My Mentorship:
At a local business which provides graphic design and printing services, Brandywine Printing Inc is where most of my internship takes place. My manager and mentor Mr. Brooks instructs me on all the protocols and functions required to produce the best quality in his business.

In my time there, I observe several different mediums of print, and I learn how files created in a graphic design are interpreted by the machines and programs. By this, I have become aware of rules and techniques to follow while designing whenever I put what and how an order is printed into consideration.

My future: 
I plan to apply this experience as credentials to any possible graphic design jobs and/or education, alongside being able to know how to react in a real-time business environment. Next year, I hope to get into a higher graphic design course and an additional marketing principles course to reinforce skills in my preferred field of work.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

(Reflection) "Graphic Design: Fine Art or Social Science?"

I delved into this source to find out what graphic design is and why so crucial in business and society. This passage by Jorge Frascara, professor of visual communications and chairman of art and design, focuses on graphic design's socially understood definition, its fluid usage and interpretation throughout history, and its flaws and misunderstood assumptions. The article, covering information collected in 1984-2010, is a short excerpt from a volume of Design Issues. The 12 pages of the excerpt are extremely descriptive and provides several accounts and figures as examples to prove the author's point. For instance, a figure of a design for a product, which failed in its purpose due to the graphic being loosely related to its product and purpose (Frascara describes this as an inefficiency in communication). Inevitably, the example given proves graphic design's importance in properly reaching its audience. Other than marketing, Frascara also provides examples of propaganda and typography which also hold important roles pertaining to the purpose of graphic design.

Overall, the main points of the article are the importance of influence of visual communications on its audience. Not only is there an artistic aspect, but also the incorporation of sociology, marketing, psychology, and other important ideas needed to effectively change an audience.