Sunday, November 13, 2016

Partner in Education Q&A

  • In regards to your internship site, explain how you feel they are a "partner in your education"
At Brandywine, they keep me busy and do their best to make my internship experience involved and useful. Whenever I visit, they find jobs and tasks for me that best fits my skill level, and they gladly assist and educate me whenever I have questions and/or problems. Each member of the facility work together to accommodate my needs in this educational experience by telling me what they know best and referring me to each other.
  • What have you done that has made your supervisor's life easier?
I try my best to finish any printing processes Mr. Brooks is working on, such as setting up tools, supplies, among other things. By completing more products and speeding up the process, I hope to cut the time and effort needed to produce quality orders before their deadlines. When other tasks are unavailable, I file and organize clients' proofs.

  • What goals have you met so far?  Have you changed any of your goals?
I have established myself as a novice, but reasonable graphic designer, and I have already worked with one real-life client's needs.